I ended up going C-section, like I had imagined for about half the pregnancy. It was apparently inevitable. I don't know how to explain it but I never had that 'vision' of having her vaginally. I never imagined pushing her out. I don't know why. It was just not in the cards for how I saw things going I guess. With all the sickness and pain maybe down inside I wanted the 'easy way out' of childbirth. Not that a cesarean is an easy thing to get thru but you all know what I meant. Anyway, on to the story...
My last couple appts at the dr yielded little if nothing in the world of progression. Finally the day before my 40 weeks was here, I had opened up just a tiny bit. I was over the moon and he he sent me in for the start of my induction. Dun Da Da Duuu! (Or however you write that announcement ;)
As much as I didn't want the induction and knew it would probably end in my demise of a cesarean, I went for it anyway. The pain I felt from the SPD was actually worse than the Pitocin if you can believe that. And that S**T was horrible!!! Getting there... Hang on.
I was sent to the hospital that night for ripening with Cervadil. I was told that this could speed up dilation and effacement and I could even have the baby that night! Of course my dumb little ass was thinking happy thoughts after I heard this. A smack was necessary at that point. Well needless to say I went all night with NOTHING and when the dr came in that morning to check it was no surprise. He just shook his head and proceeded to break my water.
After he did this EXTREMELY painful procedure he announced that baby had 'poopied' in the water and we would have to have her suctioned as soon as she was out to avoid risk of infection. Of course this put my heart in my throat. After all, there was no more room in my stomach ;)
Round 1. The start of awesome fricktastic things that would open the gate to the rest of the day. I think everyone is catching on to how fantabulous my labor went... Can ya?? Huh? Huh?? Yeaaaaaaaaa.... So, I was reassured that baby would be fine but they wouldn't let me go over 24 hours because it would put her at risk. And the countdown begins!
Pitocin drip was started and the glorious pain of 5 minute long contractions with about 35 seconds reprieve in between was under way. Someone just kill me. I had laid, sat and suffered in that more than ridiculously uncomfortable hospital bed all night with my already intense SPD pain and now this. I think I got thru 3 hours of the drip before I was asked if I saw an epidural in my future. Annnnnnnnnnnd my answer after 4 times of the nurse reducing the drip because my 'contractions are so close together' (um hmm) was YES! I felt like I could go a lot longer but figured why? at this point. I can't move to make them lessen because of all the pain my pelvis was in and they are obviously only going to get worse.
This too was something I had foreseen not going as planned. I had an epidural administered when I was 19. I was in a rear-end accident and have a buldging disc as a result. The drs thought an epi would numb me up, for a while at least, to give me some relief from the pain. Needless to say it didn't freakin' work! As soon as I came out of the twilight sleep I was in I was in horrible pain and knew exactly where they had stuck me with there gigantor needle in my spine! I just didn't see this time turning out any better and man was I ever right. They had another nurse come in and 'instruct' me. I say instruct with ' ' because she was a complete biotch and did a bang up job of telling me what to do. Let me back up and mention that I was really, REALLY, worked up over my fear of being awake and having that big ass needle going into my spine. I had been crying and shaking, etc. So you think this lady could have been slightly understanding... She kept telling me to scoot towards the head of the bed and I was really trying but was doing it at my own pace (which apparently was not effing fast enough for her schedule) because of my SPD pain. Well I scoot as high up and as far back as I can and she tells me it's not good enough and I need to scoot back more. Mind you I had nothing to move my damn self back any farther with. She shoves a chair in front of me and says use this to push off of. That would have been swell except for the fact that my 5'1' self had no more leg to reach the chair. So let me get this straight, as she is yelling at me to do this, you want me to scoot forward to scoot back right to where I am now?? Cause that's as far as my short little legs are gonna take me.
Fast forward- I get to a reasonable spot on the bed and they proceed to do they painful jabbing into my spine with their fingers. My husband is trying to talk to me and calm me down and this friggin nurse keeps cutting him off. Really lady?? Up and go somewhere!! They poke me with the numbing needle and then do the epi. I lived, yay for me, lol. So they lay me down and tell me I'll be good to go in 10 minutes. Or so they thought...
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