Tuesday Nov. 3rd
It didn't hit me until I saw that little blue line show up on the test. It didn't occur to me how precious my own life just might be. I was wishing for something to happen to give me that reason to live again, and when I least expected it, it hit me from out of nowhere.
I didn't think anything of being pregnant at the time. I was busy and tried to take into consideration that every month I took the extra B6 vitamins and used the Progesterone cream that it lengthened my lutheal phase (a problem I had with early miscarriage) a few days and gave me sore, swollen breasts. So when I realized that 5 days had passed and still no sign of mother nature I thought "hmmmm... let's just check and get it off my mind". Never did I expect to see that little line show up. It was instant! Before I even finished watching the urine wet the entire test window it was there. And it was dark! The darkest I'd seen in soooo long. After going and buying another 2 tests, one that I used that night and the other I was saving for the morning, I think it was then that it hit. It was an instant rush of excitement and fear. I was pregnant. Was I going to lose this one too??? :(
I had my first ultrasound done on the very next day by a tehnician that should not be practicing lol. She told me I was 5 weeks and 5 days through a regular stomach ultrasound. Now, any intelligent person in the medical field knows that you cannot see anything on a regular sonogram until at the earliest 8 weeks and even then it is not accurate. So... I went to my dr. the following Tuesday Nov. 10th to see my OB-GYN. He did a vaginal u/s and we saw a perfect round gestational sac. I've had that happen so many times before and by the next appointment it was always too late. He said give it one week. One week and we would be able to determine if this one was going to go anywhere. Needless to say I prayed all week and asked for the earliest appt. possible for next week lol.
Tuesday Nov. 17th
I got to see my baby for the very first time. The accurate time of how far along I was... 6 weeks 3 days! My New EDD July 10, 2010. I got to hear the whoosh of the heartbeat and see tiny movements. I can't begin to describe the intensity of what I was going through. It is hands down the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. I cried like a little girl and asked questions I don't even remember now. I had to focus on not breaking down completely in the office because it was just an overwhelming feeling of relief and amazement. I will continue to pray everyday for my precious little baby, but I can finally go to bed a little easier at night just knowing I've gotten this far.
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